Safeguarding Adults
Report adult abuse or safeguarding concerns
Abuse and neglect is never ok. If you, or someone you know is being abused or neglected, it is important to tell someone. Stopping the abuse or neglect is everyone’s responsibility. Anybody can raise a concern.
If you are worried about the safety of an adult in Newcastle you can talk to us at Adult Social CarePoint
In an emergency or if someone’s life is at risk call 999.
Anyone can be abused. Abuse can take place anywhere including: at home, in a residential or nursing home, a hospital, day centre or in the street. It can be carried out by anyone. There are different types of abuse. It can be, physical, sexual, emotional, financial, neglect or self-neglect, discriminatory, organisational, domestic, modern slavery or criminal exploitation.
Some people are more at risk of abuse than others. An adult at risk is someone aged 18 or over, who may have care and support needs and who cannot always protect themselves from harm. Adults at risk may:
- be older and need help from others
- have a learning or physical disability
- have mental health needs
- have sensory support needs
- misuse drugs or alcohol
Read more about adult abuse and neglect or domestic abuse on InformationNOW