Drugs and Alcohol

Young people may use drugs and alcohol at some stage during their childhood. This may be experimental in nature but may also include more regular use. Substance use poses risks in terms of the potential harm individual drugs may cause to a young person’s physical and mental health. There are other risks associated with drug use such as debt, the risks posed by groups and individuals involved in supplying drugs and links to criminal and sexual exploitation.  As a parent it may be difficult to know how to respond to this, or where to seek support for you or your child. Below are links to services and resources that provide support and guidance.

Where to get support

Talk to Frank

Talk to Frank: Provides information about specific drugs as well as providing useful information for parents.

Young Minds: Provide some useful information regarding the risks, how to talk to my child and other useful information.

Children and Young Adult (CAYA) Service: Support for young people in Newcastle aged up to 24 can be contact via e-mail: NTARreferrals@cntw.nhs.uk or phone: 0191 206 1117.