Parents & Carers
Being a parent or carer for a child can be a challenging experience. The Newcastle Safeguarding Childrens Partnership wants to be able to provide some advice, information about local services which can provide support and links to national organisations providing a range of information we believe will be helpful
The Newcastle Safeguarding Children Partnership wants to support parents keep their children safe. One way we can do this is to help them identify possible warning signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect. The examples below are not exhaustive, and it is important to know that signs and symptoms of abuse can vary from child to child. By understanding the warning signs, you can respond to problems as early as possible.
We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect.
When a young person’s physical appearance changes suddenly it can be helpful to explore what else is happening in their life. Signs such as frequent unexplained injuries, constant poor hygiene, unaccounted for clothing or other gifts, weight loss or weight gain may be indicative of a welfare issue or safeguarding concern that needs to be addressed.
When we notice changes in a young person’s behaviour this may prompt us to try and understand what is behind this change. Signs such as demanding or aggressive behaviour, frequent lateness or absence from school, missing from home avoiding their own family, misusing drugs or alcohol, mental health may indicate worries or harm that they have experienced.
When young people communicate in ways we do not consider appropriate such as sexual or aggressive language, or there is a change in their communication with protective people in their life such as becoming secretive and reluctant to share information or being overly obedient we can explore whether they have any concerns or worries which need addressing.
Risk Outside The Home
Sometimes children experience harm in the community. You may notice changes in their peer group or where they are socialising. You may be aware of increasing risk in the community such as reports of fighting, violence, anti-social behaviour. Exploring how these concerns impact young people can be a good way to beginning understanding the risks.
If you are worried or have a concern about a child or young person contact: Northumbria Police on 101. If there is immediate danger contact 999.
For advice or to make a referral about a concern for a child or young person contact: The Children’s Social Care Initial Response Service on 0191 277 2500 or the Emergency Duty Teamon 0191 278 7878.
Anonymous referrals can be made by members of the public.
To find out more about government advice visit their website
Contact the NSPCC if you want to discuss your concerns and get further advice: 0808 800 5000