Training and Events
Access our multi-agency Safeguarding Training
The abuse and neglect of children at risk presents a significant learning challenge. It is imperative that frontline staff and volunteers have an understanding of the key themes of abuse and neglect and the frameworks in place to manage concerns.
Workers should have an awareness that abuse can affect children at different stages of their lives and that there are policies and procedures in place to support children who may be at risk.
If you are interested in training related to safeguarding adults please visit safeguarding adults training.
Cancelling a training booking
If you need to cancel a safeguarding training booking, please contact Workforce Development Admin:
Access NSCP E-Learning Modules
The NSCP provides a wide range of free to access E-Learning modules. These can be completed any time and at the users own pace. Modules include: Safeguarding Children Level One and Two; Safeguarding Adults Level One; Gangs and Youth Violence; Child Exploitation; Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards; and Mental Capacity Act.
Click on the button to register an account and access the modules.